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2.4.2017 // Lots and Lots of Preparation

As most of you know, a couple months back I picked up a camera and started shooting pictures of my dogs, my model of a girlfriend, and places that I went. Currently I am stuck in Sioux Falls, SD for about another month but that hasn't stopped me from loading up the dogs and finding things to shoot. In a month and two days I will be packing up and heading out on probably the most exciting trip of my life. My plan is to head West to my home in Montana, travel South to Utah, and then head through Colorado on my way back. I have one month to complete the journey and minus crashing at a friends house here and there along the way, my girlfriend, two dogs, and I will be living out of my Subaru Outback the entire way. It's gonna be tight. I hope to meet new friends along the way and grow as a photographer, but most of all I am excited for the experience that this trip will bring. For now I'm not going to be the type of guy who posts a blog every day, but I just wanted to share where I am at right now and the experiences that are to come. So with that, here are a few of my favorite shots since I first picked up a camera.

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